2017. The City is the Factory: New Solidarities and Spatial Tactics in an Urban Age. Cornell University Press. Co-edited with Penny Lewis.
2014. Crisis Cities: Disaster and Redevelopment in New York and New Orleans. Oxford University Press. Co-authored with Kevin Fox Gotham.
2008. Branding New York: How a City in Crisis was Sold to the World. Routledge.
Chapters in Books
2024. “De-Naturing the City: Race, Real Estate, and the Genealogy of “Urban Ecology” as Metaphor and Practice.” in Ryan Centner and Leonard Nevarez eds. Oxford Handbook of Urban Sociology. Co-authored with Hillary Angelo.
2021. “First Publics’ as Knowledge Producers: Integrating Students into Organic Public Sociology” in L. Hossfeld, E. B. Kelly, and C. Hossfeld (eds). The Routledge International Handbook of Public Sociology. London and New York: Routledge Press, Co-authored with R. London and S. McKay
2017. “Situating Sustainability in the Luxury City: Toward a Critical Urban Research Agenda,” in J. Sze ed., Sustainability Now! Sustainability How? Situating Sustainability through Interdisciplinary and Social Justice Perspectives. New York University Press.
2017. “Radical Ruptures: Crisis Organizing and the Spatial Politics of Uneven Redevelopment,” in Miriam Greenberg and Penny Lewis, eds., The City is the Factory: New Solidarities and Spatial Tactics in an Urban Age. Cornell University Press.
2015. “The Sustainability Edge: Crisis, Competition, and the Rise of Green City Branding,” in Cynthia Isenhour et al., eds, Sustainability in the Global City: Myth and Practice. Cambridge University Press.
2010. “Luxury and Diversity: Re-branding New York in the Age of Bloomberg,” in Melissa Aronczyc and Devon Powers, eds., Blowing up the Brand: Critical Perspectives on Promotional Culture. Peter Lang.
2007. “Marketing the City in Crisis: Branding and Restructuring New York City in the 1970’s and Post 9/11 Era,” in Kevin Hetherington and Anne Cronin, eds., Consuming the Entrepreneurial City: Image, Memory, Spectacle. Routledge.
Journal Articles
2024. “Relational Geographies of Urban Unsustainability: The entanglement of California’s Housing Crisis with WUI Growth and Climate Change,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Science. July 29. Co-authored with Hillary Angelo, Elena Losada, and Christopher C. Wilmers, For special issue on climate change in California.
2023. “Environmentalizing Urban Sociology” City & Community, 22(4), 257-265. Co-author with Hillary Angelo. Introductory essay for special issue of the same title, with five articles and a conclusion. (Oct 31)
2021 – “Seeking Shelter: How Housing and Urban Exclusion Shape Exurban Disaster” in Sociologica, 15(1), 67–89.
2021 – “The Progressive Disjuncture on Land Use and Housing: Learning from the Leftmost City.” New Labor Forum, Fall 2021
2021 – “The Right to the City and to the University: Forging Solidarity Across the Town/Gown Divide” co-authored with B. Ferman, S. McKay, and T. Le The Assembly: A Journal for Public Scholarship on Education, issue 3, Spring: 10-34.
2019 – “The Right to the Resilient City: Progressive Politics and the Green Growth Machine in New York City.” Co-authored with E. M. DuPuis. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences, February, pp 352–363
2019 – “The Vitality of Students for Public Sociology” co-authored with R. London and S. McKay. Contexts: Sociology for the Public, vol. 18, issue 4: 60.
2019 – “Community-Initiated Student-Engaged Research: Expanding Undergraduate Teaching and Learning through Public Sociology” co-authored with S. McKay and R. London. Teaching Sociology, vol. 48, 2019: 1-15.
2014. “The Disaster Inside the Disaster: Hurricane Sandy and Post-Crisis Redevelopment.” New Labor Forum, Vol 23, Issue 1.
2013. “What on Earth is Sustainable? Toward Critical Sustainability Studies.” Boom: A Journal of California.
2008. “From 9/11 to 8/29: Post-Disaster Response and Recovery in New York and New Orleans.” Social Forces. Co-authored with Kevin Fox Gotham.
2003. “The Limits of Branding: The World Trade Center, Fiscal Crisis, and the Marketing of Recovery.” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research. Vol. 27, Number 2, June.
Public Sociology
2021 – “No Place Like Home: Affordable Housing in Crisis, Santa Cruz County, CA—Final Report,” UCSC Institute for Social Transformation, August. Co-authored with S. McKay, with assistance from J. Sirigotis and T. Le
— No Place Like Home website:
2020 – “Report from the Graduate Student Cost of Attendance and Living Calculator Project.” Co-authored with J. Bowin, V. Hamilton, S. McKay, B. Schumm, A. Sharma, Ni. Singh. UC Santa Cruz Faculty Senate, September.
— Graduate Cost of Attendance and Living Calculator: